Bridging Educational Gaps
Educating the under-achieving African and Caribbean young people
BEG Volunteers Policy
BEG recognises that volunteers have a positive contribution to make to the work of the BEG Charity and its various activities. It aims to encourage volunteers' involvement in all aspects of its work, as a means of empowering and supporting the local community.
Recruitment and selection of volunteers is the responsibility of the BEG Trustees and will be undertaken by following the Equal Opportunities Policy. Volunteers will need to supply references, one of which should be from a recent employer, training provider, college or school. Volunteers must agree to a Disclosure and Barring Service check.
2. Areas of work where volunteers may be helpful have been identified in the BEG Mentoring scheme. Opportunities will be advertised locally and through other partner agencies where appropriate.
3. After Appointment:
Volunteers will be given an induction into the BEG Mentoring Scheme
They will be allocated a Trustee, and will have regular meetings to ensure adequate support.
The Trustee will discuss the relevant description of their role with the volunteer so that they have a clear picture of their tasks and level of responsibility.
Volunteers will be given encouragement, advice and support to take up appropriate training opportunities.
A record of every volunteer's work will be kept and references will be supplied on request. Personal information will be treated as confidential.
4. Terms and Conditions of Voluntary Work:
Volunteers are required to work by following BEG policies and it is the responsibility of both the volunteer and the trustee to ensure that there is a clear understanding of these policies and their means of implementation.
Volunteers are subject to BEG’s Disciplinary Policy and Grievance Procedure.
Volunteers are asked to attend at the agreed times and to inform the allocated trustee if unable to attend through illness, accident or emergency.
Volunteers who wish to finish their period of work should discuss this with their trustee and agree on a finishing date.
Volunteers will be covered by adequate insurance while working for the BEG
All volunteers need to complete meeting/visiting timesheets, recording their sessions.
Childcare for volunteers, while they are at work, maybe arranged where possible and will usually be free of charge when available.
Volunteers will not be expected to pay for tea or coffee while they are at work, within reasonable limits.
Volunteers who are in paid work elsewhere will be reimbursed their actual expenses incurred in carrying out voluntary duties for BEG, subject to the agreement of the trustee and on the production of a receipt or bus ticket. All expenses must be agreed in advance. Travel expenses incurred must be agreed beforehand and will only be payable to cover the cheapest means available. We are unable to pay for car mileage.
Volunteers in receipt of unemployment benefit or income support and who undertake regular ongoing voluntary work for BEG of at least five students per academic year may be paid an agreed amount by the trustees ranging between £10 to £15 per visit for expenses, depending on their circumstances, and subject to the authorisation of their Trustee. Such expenses will be paid directly into the volunteer's bank account and the volunteer will need to supply bank details to the BEG Charity account person.
Volunteers, who are neither in paid work nor in receipt of benefits, may be able to receive expenses.
All volunteers authorised to receive an expenses payment will need to complete form P46, which is a declaration for Inland Revenue.