Bridging Educational Gaps
Educating the under-achieving African and Caribbean young people
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UK School Educational Trip
My dedication to educate and support the less privileged children has taken me to Zanzibar schools in Africa. Here, my team of 5 teachers and 50 students, spent a week volunteering to teach, coach and mentor pupils in two very deprived community schools in Zanzibar. Many lives were touched, both the Zanzibar pupils and our students, who could not believe how lucky they are in the UK. We taught Mathematics, English Language and Sciences to the pupils. The week was a great relief to the Zanzibar schools’ teachers, who had to cope with a class size of 150 – 200 pupils every day.
Francis Enebeli, founder of Bridging Educational Gaps

BEGcharity showing immense support to students who need it most during the Covid-19 lockdown period.